About Author

Paul Hollins
Paul Hollins is a successful and popular radio presenter who has been on-air across major markets in the UK. He started his career at Key 103 in Manchester before working at BRMB in Birmingham, Capital FM London and Heart 106.2 in London. In 1999 he set-up the radio content and syndication company Blue Revolution which is now one of Europe’s leading providers of programming and radio services. In 2018 he acquired the world’s largest independently owned syndication company, Radio Express in Los Angeles. Paul currently presents shows for Smooth Radio

Paul Chantler
Paul Chantler has spent 40 years in the radio industry as a journalist, presenter, producer and programme executive. He was Group Programme Director at three of the UK’s biggest radio groups in the 1990s and over the last 20 years has built a highly successful radio consultancy company with clients in the UK, Ireland, Europe and India as well as helping to start innovative new radio stations in the UK such as Fix Radio and Podcast Radio. He is co-author of the textbook Essential Radio Journalism, originally published 25 years ago. He regularly conducts training seminars for radio groups on Media Law and Compliance. Paul is a Fellow of the Radio Academy.